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  • Writer's pictureJulie Loporto

What's Happening in 2020?

Well what a year 2020 has been so far! Like most people my plans were completely stopped in their tracks and everything was put on hold or on the back burner. The one good thing that came out of lockdown was being able to take a breather and have time to think and make a new plan for moving forward.

So the outcome of this is that I have some exciting things coming up this year. My most exciting bit of news is I'm getting a new treatment room built at home in my garden. It should be ready by October so not long now!

I am currently doing a new course on Mindful Reflexology. This course is focused on helping to treat clients who suffer from stress, anxiety and depression. More details to follow on this!

And lastly I am VERY excited about a new treatment that I will be offering later in the year! More will be revealed on this next month so stay tuned!!

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